Young children are natural scientists and their instinctive curiosity means that they love carrying out experiments and investigating the world around them.
You can help to nuture this in-built love of science by providing them with child-friendly science kits and other toys that will help them to understand the principles of physics, biology, chemistry and earth sciences.
It's particularly important to encourage an interest in science for girls because society tends to class this as a 'boy' subject and girls will therefore often start to lose their enthusiasm for scientific topics as they get older. Luckily there are some great science kits for girls and other toys like the Project MC2 and Lottie science dolls that are specifically aimed at girls
if you're stuck for ideas of what to get a child for his or her birthday or Christmas, avoid the current toy bestsellers that are often forgotten about within a few weeks. All of these toys make great science gifts for kids and can be played with again and again with endless learning opportunities.